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Europe on Time & Track for Disaster – No Place to hide in the Euro

The European Troika has now provided Greece with a new ultimatum. Greece must show by the end of the week that it can adhere to the agreed terms of the bailout....

Germany – The Worst of the Banking Crisis in Europe?

Since 2010, members of the German Parliament have been using the iPad in the office, and the Parliament approved the iPad as a paper-replacement for reading...

The Gathering Electoral Storm Coming 2014

Nigel Farage has the guts to stand up. He is truly remarkable and he is fighting to save Western Civilization. Here is Today in the EU Parliament....

NSA CIA & FBI All Tapping EU Embassy?

People are just starting to wake up that there are other people behind the curtain who just feel that they have to know everything everywhere all the time. When our...

Metals Bull or Bear?

QUESTION: Dear sir I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions… You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as...

Custodian Banks

QUESTION: What/Where is the nearest “custodian banker?” ANSWER: We are trying to put a list together. Two in NYC are Bank of New York and Brown...

US Warned by Europe NSA Spying Must Stop Immediately

Congress is circling the wagons to protect the US spying effort against everybody everywhere. The pretense or terrorism is absurd. They do not need to be storing...

What If Everyone Used The Model?

QUESTION: Good morning. This question is for Martins blog (Martin then, I guess). What will happen if everyone starts to act according to the forecasts made by the...

European Politicians Are Realizing – Blackmail is the Game

A revelation is dawning that the excuse of the NSA looking for terrorists but taking absolutely everything, is at last causing a light to go off. European...