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Gold Update

This week’s close of 1622.6 is the highest weekly closing since May. We have to be cautious next week for we could still make a higher intraday high, and then...


Will have an update this weekend on gold. This week has been pushing higher within the broad trading range, but the buy signal would require a close above 1671. We...

SEC Will Not Charge Goldman Sachs over Subprime & the People in the Middle

The SEC has announced it is closing the probe on Goldman Sachs over the whole subprime debacle. So why should anyone be surprised? This is just business as usual...

Money Supply

Part of the argument that is made to support a gold standard is that money should be tangible. That will never fly today for nobody knows what constitutes even the...

There is no Double Jeopardy

I find it amazing that people actually think there is a rule of law or a constitutional right that is still standing. They have ruled there need no search warrants...

Government is in Desperate Need of Cash

The penalties I mentioned in Spain are pending and have not yet been implemented. In France, all bullion dealers must pay by check, no more cash. The bullion...

Understanding the ECM

Perhaps the greatest misconception about the Economic Confidence Model is that it is somehow the only model. This is simply not true. This model tracks the global...

Silver Probe To Be Dropped – Did Anyone Expect Differently? Corruption Always Wins!

The 4 year silver probe into manipulation will be dropped according the FT. Did anyone really expect a different outcome?...

We Need Monetary & Debt Restructuring

As of May 23rd, 2012, China now has direct access to the U.S. Department of the Treasury to buy U.S. government bonds. China can now bypass Wall Street when buying...


A lot of people are fixed on what is money and presume somehow that a return to precious metals will solve the problem. Precious metals are for personal use. They...