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Failure to Understand the Commodity Market

Some people are just so hung up on this idea of selling paper gold they only try to explain the decline as false caused solely by paper shorts. Sorry – it...

The Collapse in the Rule of Law

One of the critical factors that contributed to the collapse of Empires, Nations, and City States is when the Rule of Law collapses. Some have asked where they can...

Myth of the One-Sided Trade

I can think of nothing more than the single greatest nonsense that has frustrated me for decades – the MYTH of the ONE-SIDED TRADE. As I have stated at...

Metals Still Poised For Major Decline? How Markets Really Move

The support on the June Gold is 1403 both intraday and on the close. A break of that area will begin to warn of further weakness. Keep in mind, that even going...

Metals Data Calculation

We have been using the CSI Perpetual Contract. Friday that showed: Future #867 GC21103P: Perpetual Contract® of Gold-COMEX(Floor+Electronic Combined), Future #867...

Napoleon’s Contribution to Politics

Napoleon Bonaparte’s contribution to government structure & politics: “If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver...

Gold & Silver

The next important turning point will be the week of the 29th. Using the Globex rather than the CSI perpetual synthetic contracts, we did not elect the reversals on...

Programming Language

QUESTION: In one of Martin’s regular emails he advised that people should take up programming and engineering. Please could you ask Martin which programming...

Inflation v Deflation Definitions

Question: if the world goes into deflation around the 2016 date, how will commodities                  rise??  ( hoarding ) How will they pay the mines...

Hitmen That Killed Cyprus

The EU Commission is now engaging in Financial Terrorism for they are the new Hit-Men. They deliberately targeted Cyprus from all the info we have coming from...