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European Central Bank Prepares for Trump Victory

On the stage at Davos, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde took a long pause when asked about the 2024 US Presidential Election. The mere question...

Christine Lagarde’s Approval Tanks Among own Staff

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde’s approval rating is “poor,” at best, according to a union-run IPSO survey. Around 60% of European Central...

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Fraud

We know that the mail-in voting system was implemented as a measure to control the vote. The question becomes how far does the fraud go? The Rasmussen Reports and...

Math is Racist?


The Famous People who have Collected Ancient Coins

QUESTION: Marty, I heard that JP Morgan had a huge ancient coin collection of Greek and Roman coins. Have any of his coins ever come up for sale?   DX ANSWER:...

Hillary Warning the Right Will Steal the 2024 Election

  If that were Trump, it would be another criminal indictment—America, where the propaganda remains indoctrination of children. “I pledge allegiance to...

It’s About Power

  QUESTION: What do you think about the series Domina? Is it true to history? GK $22.99 on Amazon Prime ANSWER: It is an excellent series. This deals with the...

Surviving Nuclear War

  COMMENT: I just read Newsweek. I now know why you live on the beach. You can convert the water to fresh and live off of seaweed. Very interesting. Paul...

The French Revolutions – How Many Have There Been?

QUESTION: I am wondering about the French Revolution. Was it the first, or is history here also cyclical, and there have been revolutions in France earlier and...

Judge Postpones Trump’s Trial Indefinately

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has Trump’s Washington case brought by Jack Smith, wrote an order that means something is wrong. Her order has...