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Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April...

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all...

The Gold Rally

Gold closed on June at 1467.5. We should see a rally continue into early next week to retest the main channel from which it broke  at the 1503 area. The important...


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its...

The Market & Cycles – Why We Must Crash & Burn

One Response regarding this problem that we must crash and burn states that this “is somewhat of a paradox though, see some people, not so conflicted by their...

QUESTION: If Gold is a hedge against the Governments, and the markets are never wrong, given that its in a downtrend since 2011, can question that the Governments...

Gold Rise in Coin Demand – Crisis Still in Trading

The rise in gold coin demand at the Australian Perth Mint and the US Mint as well as in Canada demonstrates the underlying long-term bull market should remain...

Corzine & Futures

“Martin, I have worked in the futures market for 20 years and what a great business! Unfortunately, Corzine turned up and destroyed our “Sleepy futures...

Failure to Understand the Commodity Market

Some people are just so hung up on this idea of selling paper gold they only try to explain the decline as false caused solely by paper shorts. Sorry – it...

The Collapse in the Rule of Law

One of the critical factors that contributed to the collapse of Empires, Nations, and City States is when the Rule of Law collapses. Some have asked where they can...