Britain has amazed itself as its taxes have raised nearly 50% more cash than it had expected. These tax increases on property transactions that were imposed in...
We have researched absolutely everything that ever moves. We have correlated EVERYTHING and probably spent way too much money on this sort of thing than would make...
China is set to use swelling offshore holdings of its tightly-managed currency worth around 1 trillion yuan $160 billion (106.33 billion pounds) to justify a...
Question: I was at your 1985 Conference in Princeton. You made two points with the ECM that have stuck with me all these years. You said the peak in Britain was...
I was one of the three largest wholesale gold dealers going into 1980. I wrote the law making gold not taxable for the State of New Jersey stating it would not be...
A reader wrote: “Martin’s latest post says real estate will rise, but a chart posted a week ago predicts dire things for real estate after 2015. Which...
Obama keeps turning to speaking engagements blasting the Republicans and refuses to negotiate with them despite the poles show that 59% now believe he should be...
The French tax Gestapo has raided the french subsidiaries of eBay, Paypal, Google, Amazon, and even LinkedIn (LinkedIn France SAS) in Paris. The French...
It is getting just outright outrageous. This is a man that cannot be as stupid as his statements. Why is it laying off government workers will effect business...