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What Will Happen on March 1st Sequester – NOTHING!

Obama is trying desperately to paint the picture that the end of the world is here and that hundreds of thousands of government employees will be thrown out on the...

Uncompetitive France

The head of US tire maker Titan International launched a blunt attack on French productivity. He told the government that some French workers “work only three...

The Untold Story of American Women Raped by Government

The gang rapes in India have shocked the world. But worse has been the revelation that participating members of the gangs have included Indian politicians. You...

Obama is Insane!!!!

Obama wants MORE tax increases and no spending cuts. This man is totally insane. He must have taken the little bus to schools because his logic is anything but...

No Government Has Ever Survived a Debt Crisis !!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak...

Obama Logic

President Barack Obama is warning that “people will lose their jobs” if across-the-board budget cuts take effect as scheduled next week. He argues...

Use of Drones inside USA Causing Constitutional Problems

The drones (unmanned & armed remote control aircraft) are widely used by the US against foreign targets outside of the USA. However, there is a growing concern...

Get Him


Rand Paul on Obama State of Union Speech

The deficit reduction scheme in Washington has always been overstate what you INTEND to spend, cut that back 20%, and proclaim you cut the deficit. We might as well...

Gold – Never Really Made New Highs Yet

The high on gold on the AM London Fixing was $850 back in 1980. However, when we index this to the government CPI adjusting it for inflation, the 1980 high...