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7-year-old NYC boy handcuffed & Interrogated for 10 hours over Missing $5

A 7-year-old New York City boy’s family does public against police and the city after saying he was handcuffed and interrogated for 10 hours and falsely...

Comment from the Real World

Martin, I laughed when I heard they were going to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire. I SAW the 2% decrease in my pay. I now bring home @$200 less per month than I did in...

Fed – No Surprise – The Next Bubble

If anyone thinks that the Fed does not know in advance what is happening with the numbers, well you must be from another planet. Just hours after the Commerce...

We have another Candidate for a Theme Song

Phil Collins was perhaps 25 years ahead of his time...

Parking v Investing

There are two distinct trends that we have to divide and conquer to fully understand what we are dealing with (1) Parking capital and (2) Investing Capital The...


The U.S. economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended.We are looking at the net effect of Obama’s...

309.6 Year Cycle – It’s About Time

Just to make it absolutely clear, within every wave, like in a bull market, there are always counter trends or corrections. There MUST be two sides in all trends be...

International Advisory Board

In response to many former clients who have asked to join the International Think Tank operation under construction in Switzerland, we will be establishing an...

Asset Class Allocations

When you actually conduct studies of relationships that people ASSUME exist, you find that they rarely actually exist. Investigating stochastic behavior of the...

Nothing is Certain

In research, 99% of all mistakes are caused by ASSUMING something from the outset. The ONLY way to conduct research is to follow the breadcrumbs. Whatever you may...