The economists are still failing to grasp what is taking place. The job growth that has surprised everyone is all PRIVATE sector taking the rate from 7.9% to 7.7%....
Question: Can you clarify your statement: “German short-term rates went negative showing people were willing to pay Germany to hold their money. This is part...
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But the cycle is 224 years. Historians place the peak of the Roman Empire at the reign of Marcus Aurelius...
Question: I understand that inflation is really the reduction in purchasing power of the $. Can you expand on your statement “Our computer is bullish long-term... John McCain is a disgrace and should leave the... The deputy governor of the Bank of Japan admitted that if yields rise 1...
The Libor Fixing Scandal of interest rates has shown precisely what I wrote about in Behind The curtain. I have personally witnessed the trading mentality of the...
Question: Yet, in the meantime, should inflation surface, say in the latter part of the decade, (before a total collapse), wouldn’t gold be the place to be? Or...
I have received a lot of inquiries about the jobless recovery. Some questions ranging from what is going on to others asking advice to give children for a career....
One reader asks: I found fascinating your understanding of the correlation between interest rates and real estate. By your definition the slashing of interest...