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Portugal Civil Unrest

Civil Unrest in Portugal continuing to rise. The big rally to get rid of the government on March 2nd appears to be just the beginning. “Grandola”, the...

Beware the Dollar Rally

The entire world is falling apart. Europe is held together with string and bubble gum. Southern Europe will crack. There is no doubt about that and with austerity...

The French Have a Long History of Seizing Assets

French Assignats were paper money issued by the National Assembly in France from 1789 to 1796, during the French Revolution. Like Germany during the 1920s, this was...

Obama Has Created Twice As Much Regulation than Anyone in History

Just One More Regulation Will  Fix That! Obama’s regulation binge has impacted every sector. This is a man that clearly believes in government regulating...

Crime Consequence of Fiscal Mismanagement

France is awakening to a crime wave . In early December, thieves pillaged a cemetery in Alsace, ripping metal crosses, ornaments and doors from funeral vaults. It...

Russia Also Desperate for Taxes

Russia needs money to expand its military so it can play the game of conquest. The tax burden in Russia is rising and there is a danger that it too will send...

Capital Hiding in Real Estate

Britain has amazed itself as its taxes have raised nearly 50% more cash than it had expected. These tax increases on property transactions that were imposed in...

Bank Run In Greece

We have researched absolutely everything that ever moves. We have correlated EVERYTHING and probably spent way too much money on this sort of thing than would make...

China Moving Closer to Floating Yuan

China is set to use swelling offshore holdings of its tightly-managed currency worth around 1 trillion yuan $160 billion (106.33 billion pounds) to justify a...

Demise of USA 2032?

Question: I was at your 1985 Conference in Princeton. You made two points with the ECM that have stuck with me all these years. You said the peak in Britain was...