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FED NOW Launch July 2023

  QUESTION #1: why no information on CBDC. Need help fast. Feds are suppose to call in the dollar in July. HELP mk COMMENT #1: This whole thing reminds me of...

Was Bill Gates using Epstein to Blackmail People?

    I have said before, Epstein was really creating a sophisticated operation for blackmail. Wall Street used Elliot Spritzer to take down AIG head Hank...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & The Panic Cycle

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & The Panic Cycle Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The Hate & Great Divide – Tearing Apart Even Families

COMMENT #1: I see you are not a 100% diehard Republican or a Democrat. Not sure what that makes you. Perhaps you should run for president. LR COMMENT #2: The more I...

Market Talk – May 5, 2023

ASIA:   High prices are starting to put pressure on small and midsize businesses in Japan, forcing a record number of them into bankruptcy as the country lags...

15-Minute Cities Will Enslave the People “Make no mistake, it’s not about your convenience, and it’s not about saving the planet....

The Great Reset King “There is a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis…global crises know no borders, and...

Former Navy Seal Team 6 Member: “China is Going to Destroy Us”

The US military has been struggling with recruitment efforts in recent years. Only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to enlist. Prioritizing the...

Does Anybody Know What is Going On?

COMMENT #1: I have seen the covers of various times predicting ice ages to heat waves and always it has been some exaggerated forecast that never comes true. Does...