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Just as the Nativity story unfolds with a sense of anticipation and promise, the financial world too experiences its own cycles that we explore together every day...

Klaus – Soviet Style Christmas

Lenin Was Right – He Knew Best...

Wikipedia’s Definition of a Woman?

      Wikipedia has degenerated into nothing but a government propaganda avenue. Here was their definition of a woman with the photograph of the...

It All Depends on the Military

QUESTION: Do you think we will enter a civil war? FD ANSWER: I do not think that we will be in civil war, but we do have to understand if any state tries to...

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what...

The 1860 Election – Lincoln Was Also Left Off the Ballot

Did you know Abraham Lincoln was also absent from the ballot in 1860? Ten Southern states failed to issue ballots on behalf of the Republican candidate because he...

Christmas Spending in the US to Break Records

Americans are planning to increase their holiday spending this year, according to a Gallup poll, which believes Christmas spending in 2023 will be the highest on...

Colorado Decision is Flat Outright Illegal

There is such a thing in the Federal Constitution known as the Supremacy Clause. No state statute can overrule the Constitution. These four judges have actually...

Understanding the Failure of QE

COMMENT: Thank you. That post finally opened my eyes. That’s why there has been no inflation with all the QE and negative interest rates since 2014 here in...