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Ice Age – the Come Rapidly

  COMMENT: Marty you may remember this. When this hit upper midwest I was in middle school in San Diego. I was in the library every morning before school...

Understanding the Neocons

QUESTION: I saw you on TV here in Russia. I think you are more respected in Russia than in the United States. You are the only person ever to say that war is...

Treason from The Deep State?

  I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top...

Party Politics

COMMENT: Thoughts regarding your “Trump and 2024” comments. I’ve been following your blog for well over 10 years and signed up on your basic Socrates program...

The Government Unconstitutional Manipulation of News

Perhaps you will recall when Edward Snowden exposed the truth that the government was spying on American citizens, they called him a traitor and wanted to imprison...

Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer...

Trump & 2024

QUESTION: Someone I know said he had spoken to you and you said Trump would not be the nominee in 2024. Is that true? Can you elaborate? Thanks FG ANSWER: I do not...

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only...

Poland & Germany Offer to Buy Energy from Russia for 2023

Russia’s Transneft has received applications from Poland and Germany to pump oil for the first quarter of next year, despite reports of unwillingness to continue...

There is No Defense to Hypersonic Missiles & Russia’s Plans to Expand

Russia announced yesterday that it will increase its military strength from 1 million to 1.5 million. The Western Press keeps putting out the propaganda that that...