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War & Justice Preview

  The ICC can ONLY prosecute member states. The United States refused to join the ICC so no American can ever be tried for a war crime. The same applies to...

Aliens – Are the Back to Witness WWIII?

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed that the administration does not believe aliens are involved. “There is no indication of aliens or...

Interview: NATO military defeat to destabilize the dollar?

Watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview, “NATO military defeat to destabilize the dollar?” with Mike...

The Corruption of the International Court of Justice

Market Talk – February 17, 2023

Due to the NYSE closing for Presidents’ Day, Market Talk will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 21.   ASIA:   Singapore’s economy grew slightly less than...

Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace

Russia has fitted its fleet with tactical nuclear weapons both in the North Sea and in the Atlantic. The United States and NATO have convinced themselves that they...

NATO Preparing for World War III

Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive...

What is Really the Foundation of Money?

COMMENT: Martin, After several years of reading your blog, I have concluded that Socrates’ prognostications appear to be spot on. I also share your assertion...