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Military Script – Has it Been Used for Centuries?

Limes denarius (Lim-ace) or coins of the borders, were bonze versions of silver denarii struck from official dies. They may be another example of coins of necessity...

Can Forecasting be Infallible?

  QUESTION: Do you think that Socrates will ever achieve infallibility? KJ ANSWER:  I have only shown our Global Market Watch model at conferences. It is a...

Israel Attacks Iran

  We are getting reports that Israel has launched drone attacks on Iran in an attempt to prevent it from achieving nuclear weapons. We are also getting...

More Russian Sanction = World War III

For the life of me, there is absolutely no logic to any of this attack on Russia except the desire to conquer and destroy it as any sort of a superpower or...

Pfizer – A Clear & Present Danger to the World?   Of course, YuuTube removed it to protect Pfizer. They are part of the media that has been targeting free...

Market Talk – January 27, 2023

ASIA:   Haruhiko Kuroda, the BoJ’s longest-serving governor who will step down in April, last week defied market pressure and kept the key pillars of his...

California Wealth Tax to be Applied to Anyone Whoever Worked in the State

Some people have written in and said I am just a Republican and I hate California. Sorry, I consider myself in the middle. I disagree with a lot on the Republican...

Shortage of Bread Contributed to French Revolution

Food shortages have historically contributed to revolutions more so than just international war. Poor grain harvests led to riots as far back as 1529 in the French...

Forecasting the Future

QUESTION: So if I read you right, you never anticipated that your computer would also forecast war and geopolitical events. ChatGPT seems to be able to find things...

The Biblical Widow Mites

Mark 12:41-44: “And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and be beheld how the people cast money into the treasury:k and many that were rich cast in much. And...