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Biden’s Neocons all Personal Ties to Ukraine

The White House has been usurped by Neocons, who all have personal family ties to Ukraine and Russia and were all Jewish whose families were persecuted during the...

Italy’s Days Ahead

While we must first go through some hard times, we will NEVER reform until most people see that this is NOT going in the right direction. It is unbelievable. I was...

Germany Moving into Recession

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for coming to Germany. Your view is always the best, for it is not based, as you say, on personal opinion. I wish the...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold a Cycle Inversion or Price Controls?

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold a Cycle Inversion or Price Controls? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

The New Song for New Era

The more people we can inform The greater the hope of making a difference     The Eve of Destruction was a smash hit released July 1965 Today’s...

G7 of Loseres Biden was a Major Embarrassment at G7 Opening Door for Hillary

What everyone is calling the G7 Gathering of all losers making crazy decisions for the world they do not have any respect or authority to do.   Zelenskyy had...

Estonia’s Date with Destiny

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have a large following here in Estonia. It was disturbing for our leaders to talk about breaking up Russia. As you know, this region...

Interview: 2020 Coup, Bitcoin

Play the video above or click here to watch my most recent interview with Howe Street on “This Week in...