The corrupt celebrity Oprah Winfrey (a separate blog post for another day) and her old posse are weighing in on the Pennsylvania Senate race. John Fetterman v...
Watch the video above or click here to see my latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog. I will be discussing all of this and more at the World Economic...
ASIA: In the next five years, India may become the third-largest economy after the United States and China, says International Monetary Fund’s World Economic...
Thank you to the reader who sent in this hilarious image. Despite all the incoming data and price instability, some expected the Fed to pivot on its stance. Even...
Oregon is a beautiful picturesque state. Mountains, waterfalls, and beautiful beaches – Oregon was once a desirable place to live. Portland was a promising...
There seems to be some confusion as people cheer that November 6 will be the last annual end to Daylight Saving Time (DST). The proposal to stop altering the clocks...