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How to Prevent Trump from Taking Office

  Many have asked about Biden’s statement that he would prevent Trump from becoming president. That was said well before the election. Nevertheless, I...

The Demise of the Democratic Party

  The Democrats are really bankrupt. I constantly get these emails all the time – PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, send us money. It’s not to fight Trump;...

Iran – When will it Fall?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I do hope you hold your conference in the Dubai. I know you have a number of staff there. I recall that you had a projection for Iran to...

Is Bitcoin 1929 or DOT.COM Bubble All Over Again?

QUESTION: Marty, is it possible we are witnessing the greatest financial trap to unsuspecting global citizens as they ‘build a digital prison’ as many...

Market Talk – December 13, 2024

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: • NIKKEI 225 decreased 378.70 points or -0.95% to 39,470.44 • Shanghai decreased 69.62 points or...

HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WEAPONIZED THE BANK SECRECY ACT TO SPY ON AMERICANS A Congressional investigation committee released an extremely concerning report this week entitled: “FINANCIAL...

Volkswagen Protests Heat Up

Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume was booed by a crowd of 20,000 employees after stating that the company is not “operating in a fantasy world.” The company...

World Bank Slush Funds for Ukraine – Another $20 Billion Wired from US

The United States Treasury Department expedited a $20 billion aid package to Ukraine as part of the 50 billion G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration (ERA) Loans...

The Complexity of the Middle East

QUESTION: Marty, I cannot thank you enough for your coverage of the Middle East. Nobody provides such valuable forecasts for our entire region as you do.  I  know...