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PRIVATE BLOG – The NASDAQ – We are Only Getting Started

PRIVATE BLOG – The NASDAQ – We are Only Getting Started Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Market Talk – October 5, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s services sector activity shrank for a 20th straight month in September as the coronavirus pandemic continued to weigh on sentiment, though the...

Money Talks with Michael Campbell Featuring Martin Armstrong

Tune in to Martin Armstrong’s discussion with Michael Campbell from Money Talks. We have entered a vortex of absolute insanity where we are experiencing...

I Bought a Politician Everywhere

There is something that Fauci is denying — natural immunity. All the studies show that survivors of previous plagues were immune and actually lived longer...

The New Age of Treason

The media calls it a conspiracy theory to even suggest that what is behind this Great Reset is Marxism. Well, the World Economic Forum, the bastion of modern...

The Black Market & the Future

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that if they move to a digital currency they think they will eliminate crime. What will happen to the underground economy? BH ANSWER:...

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden 2-Year Economic Crash?

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden 2-Year Economic Crash? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Market Talk – October 4, 2021

ASIA: The US in cracking down on China to commit to phase one of the trade agreement made under the Trump Administration. China agreed to buy at least $200 billion...

Norway Abandons all Restrictions & US Turns Authoritarian

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You’ve taught the current “loss of confidence in government” cycle doesn’t peak until 2032. Are you surprised how much...

Mandating Vaccines Win in Courts

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Here in Australia our last legal hope hinged on a case in the NSW Supreme court against mandatory vaccinations. I personally donated to this...