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Market Talk – September 23, 2021

ASIA: China’s Evergrande Group dollar bondholders were still waiting for information about a key interest payment due Thursday, with some holders having given up...

Fauci Lying Again? Media Covering up?

The evidence keeps coming out that Fauci has done nothing but lie. Now it has emerged that both Wuhan and US scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne...

Pfizer & the Numbers

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I read your blog every morning. Here’s some interesting math for you. Number needed to vaccinate is 142 for Pfizer. (Moderna is 88 but I’ll...

Comments on the Future

COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, It does not feel like we are winning at all here in Canada. In Ontario, as of today, the unvaxxed cannot go to a restaurant, concerts, gym or...

Are the Police Really on the Other Side?

  If you listen to this clip, there is an important revelation here. PROTESTOR: “Why are you doing this? Policies are killing people.” POLICE: “I...

Market Talk – September 22, 2021

ASIA: Chinese leader Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China would not build new coal-fired power projects abroad, using his address at the United Nations General...

PRIVATE BLOG – German Election This Weekend

PRIVATE BLOG – German Election This Weekend Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Ivermectin in India Has Defeated COVID

“MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits” has been reported, yet we have the Biden Administration...

Austria Denies Social Programs to Non-Vaccinated

Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, who was inaugurated as the Federal President of the Republic of Austria on January 26, 2017, has taken another undemocratic,...

We Are Winning

  In Romania, 70% of the people remember communism and authoritarian rule. They have REFUSED to take the vaccine and the government has been forced to back...