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Is Australia’s Health Minister Dr. Chant being Bribed or just Stupid?

The Australian health chief Dr. Kerry Chant seems to have forgotten everything about medicine and really should be investigated but with a corrupt government,...

Australian Truckers Beat Govt – We Can Too

The Australian government is claiming that truckers pose a danger for they were spreading the virus around the country. They ordered the truckers to be vaccinated...

Democrats Violating Everyone’s Privacy

  The Democrats want the banks to turn over ALL information on everyone to the IRS. You no longer need to have an audit. They are simply adopting the idea of...

Australia COVID Concentration Camps Destined to Break Up Australia

  In Australia, the government and the police have simply gone insane. They have created mandatory quarantine confinement, much like isolated confinement in a...

Comments from Canada

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong I just want to comment on the letter that one of your readers wrote about Erin O’Toole he could not have been more accurate everything he...

Canada They Bought the Opposition O’Toole & Trudeau

  Erin O’Toole COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong. Hope you are well Sir. My name is . I wrote you a few years ago. Writing you from Canada. Just a note on our...

Canada PPC v Trudeau

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I am from Canada, and I just read your post on the PPC Party – I badly want to vote PPC in the upcoming election. Their presence is strong...

Market Talk – September 7, 2021

ASIA: China’s exports unexpectedly grew at a faster pace in August due to solid global demand, helping to take some of the pressure off the world’s...

Australia Government Ignoring the Truckers

  The Premier Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales in Australia will probably go down in history as one of the most tyrannical politicians of all time. She...

Pfizer Creating COVID Pills you Take Daily + Vaccine

Pfizer Pills Pfizer is now looking to come out with a pill you take daily in addition to your vaccine for COVID. Clearly, this virus has been so exploited it is...