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Will Canada Ditch Trudeau to Save the Nation from WEF?

Maxime Bernier is a Canadian businessman, lawyer, and politician who served as a cabinet minister of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and as Member of Parliament for...

China v USA

The new report on the origins of COVID will point the finger at a lab leak in Wuhan. China is getting its back up and warning this will only lead to racism in the...

Japan’s Political Crisis on Target

Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has announced he will resign at the end of September making this month indeed a political turning point worldwide in...

9/11 – the False Flag Allegation & Bin Laden

QUESTION: The Taliban are claiming there is no proof that Osama bin Laden ordered the 9/11 attack. Was this truly and an American false flag or was it real? Any...

2032 Revolutionary Cycle & Beyond

One of the major questions that come in is what do we face going into 2032 over the next 13 years and what will the world look like for our children post-2032. It...

Massive Protests Still Unfolding

Widespread demonstrations against coronavirus passports have been taking place across France. In Paris, thousands of people joined rallies against Macron’s...

Snowden’s Intent

Market Talk – September 3, 2021

ASIA: BNP Paribas’ asset management arm is in talks to form a wealth management venture with a unit of Agricultural Bank of China (AgBank), as the French firm...

Fauci our Modern-Day Mengele – He Must be Removed

Now the new Dr. Mengele of our time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not actually practice medicine, has announced that the US is still planning for COVID-19 booster...

Schwab & How One Man Can Be So Powerful

QUESTION: Hello, all the world’s leading figures are part of the WEF. But how is it possible that one man was able to brainwash everyone? It seems incredible!!!...