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CDC Approves Internment Camps

The vast amount of people will line up to surrender all their constitutional and human rights and those of the family for decades to come simply on the world of...

Boycotting Companies that Mandate Vaccines?

COMMENT: I just sold all of my shares of Tyson Foods after learning that they had mandated the Covid19 vaccine for all of their employees. Regardless of how you...

Lindell’s Invesitgation   While Lindell has focused on China. he totally ignored the implications of the World Economic Forum and Gates....

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Crises & Solution

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Crises & Solution Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The Real Agenda – Part III

  COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, In regards to your comments on “The-Real-Agenda-Reply”, I’d like to make a remark to where you said that...

Shortages & Unemployment

The Federal Reserve’s take on the coin shortage says that there are ample coins in the economy, but the banks have also been closed so there was a shortage...

CDC Proves it Cannot be Trusted.

The CDC has clearly and deliberately manipulated the COVID number in Florida obviously for political reasons. They combined several days of numbers to make...

Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects....

Israel Taking Children from UNVACCINATED Parents?

  There seems to be nobody with common sense in governments anymore. Perhaps this is what leads to worldwide revolution and blood-bath by 2032. In Israel, they...

Sky News Agrees to be Censored by YouTube

Sky News has agreed to be censored to stop reporting and remove all previous posts that there is ANY way to treat COVID other than Bill Gates’ Vaccines....