ASIA: China’s central bank cut the amount of cash most banks must hold in reserve. The People’s Bank of China will reduce the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5...
CNN is deliberately misleading the public, and they REFUSE to do any real investigative reporting. They should be shut down as a propaganda organization that...
COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You...
The latest polls show that 89% of Republicans think that the bureaucrats are running the country — not Biden. Among Democrats, 59% think Biden is in charge....
COMMENT: I’m a Canadian and just turned 60 this year and after receiving paperwork about the Canadian Pension here is what I learned. If I take early...
ASIA: The Biden administration on Tuesday warned businesses with supply chain and investment ties to China’s Xinjiang province that they could face legal...
Macron delivered a 27-minute speech to the nation on television. Macron announced a full-blown authoritarian measure that takes France off the tourist list....
COMMENT: The CDC acts like it has government power to issue legal rules, and enforce them. Yet, research into the topic only results in confusion concerning its...
If Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed and shot point-blank and killed, was black and this was on the street, there would be national riots everywhere. The policeman...
Anything Trump does the media will call a joke. This lawsuit they all claim Trump will lose. But their bias blinds them to two important points one of which he...