We wish our US readers a Happy Fourth of July. Market Talk will resume on Tuesday, July 6. ASIA: Expansion in China’s factory sector slowed in June, as...
COMMENT: I agree. It seems that they are trying to use Jan 6th for support and make conservatives the enemy. However, are they succeeding? They certainly do...
In Florida, a federal judge blocked a new Florida law that seeks to punish large social media businesses like Facebook and Twitter if they remove content or ban...
The White House and other federal agencies jumped into action as state and local governments began screaming that they were not prepared to protect renters...
Ironically, Hitler is the model. He turned the people against the Jews, not because they were Jewish, but he targeted the Jewish bankers first as the rich....
ASIA: The Indian government announced some fresh relief measures for the economy, the first such package after the second COVID-19 wave, focusing largely on...
The FIFTH EDITION is now Out This book has been rated 5 stars and is in the hands of just about every government around the world. In this edition, the COVID...
COMMENT: Martin, I am an election manager (coordinator) in —- and I have been observing the election fraud situation. In the states that are at issue, there...