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Market Talk – June 28, 2021

ASIA: Washington’s effort to bring manufacturing from China to the US – so-called reshoring – is nothing but “empty talk” and the US will become...

PRIVATE BLOG – New Zealand – the Long-Term

PRIVATE BLOG – New Zealand – the Long-Term Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

TAXES & the Risks Associated with The Infrastructure Deal

This bipartisan deal on new infrastructure spending that President Biden has reached this week with a group of “moderate” Democrats and...

Protestors Block the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

  Civil unrest is rising in Canada due to Trudeau’s tyranny. Transit between the border of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick was closed for nearly a day after...

Dianne Feinstein lists $41M Lake Tahoe estate

I find it really amazing how these Democrats constantly preach fairness, equality and the rich are the blame for everything, yet people like Dianne Feinstein have...

Thousands Protesting in London – It’s All for Nothing without Freedom!

Thousands are marching in protest once more in London and as usual, you have to turn to RT of the Russians to get the truth. Sources have been warning that Johnson...

Greta Says Democracy is Precious & not even Climate Change Should Cancel That

  Greta actually for once says Democracy is precious and not even Climate Change should sweep that aside.  She makes it clear that World Leaders have NO RIGHT...

The Fascism of the Left Has Infiltrated All levels of Government

  This becomes a fight for the very principles on which the United States was founded. People have infiltrated government at every level and believe they have...

Market Talk – June 25, 2021

ASIA: Russia and China have presented a plan to build the joint International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). The proposed lunar base is intended to be ready for...

Biden Wants Newborns to get COVID Vaccine in 2022

Even the Wall Street Journal has admitted that the vaccines carry a greater risk than the politicians are saying. Will Twitter now ban the WSJ from ever posting...