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Understanding We Are All Connected

COMMENT #1:  Re Institutionalizing of Real Estate Market Hi Marty Thank you for this post, I see your point that it is better that hedge funds buy real assets then...

Real Estate – Alternative to Bonds

QUESTION #1: It has become impossible to buy houses between $300-$500,000 in the Orlando area. From a realtor, he said that Blackrock is buying everything and they...

Human Nature Cycle

QUESTION: Good Morning, If we take the statement “History repeats because human nature never changes” it would suggest that the human nature cycle will...

Vaccine & Employer Mandates

Houston Methodist Hospital is telling employees that if they refuse to take the vaccine, they will be fired. Now 117 employees have joined a lawsuit against the...

Market Talk – June 15, 2021

ASIA: NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe...

Reagan’s Humor


End All Holiday Names – School Rules

Well, here we go. This entire “woke” movement is made up of a bunch of hypocrites. They are demanding that Columbus statutes and Columbus Day be changed...

Democrats Moving to Impose Wealth Tax – 5% of All Assets

In Germany during December 1922, the last straw that broke the back of the German economy was a forced loan of 10% of all your assets. This destroyed the confidence...

Been There, Done That

QUESTION: Are you familiar with that studies of pundits have shown that their forecasts are no better than chance. You seem to be in the category of what those...

Market Talk – June 14, 2021

ASIA: China has accused the G7 of “political manipulation” after it criticized Beijing over a range of issues. In a joint statement at the end of a...