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Build Back Better Slogan of DAVOS

  QUESTION: Why is the press so blind to the simple fact that all of these leaders are using the same slogan? This has never happened in history before. HE...

Will COVID Variants make the 2022 Cycle High?

QUESTION: Marty, With all your contacts and your model where you were forecasting that the more serious disease would be in 2022, do you think this is the natural...

Market Talk – June 1, 2021

ASIA: China has announced that it will allow couples to have up to three children after census data showed a steep decline in birth rates. The cost of raising...

Canada – Suspend Elections During Pandemics = Trudeau for Life?

  In Canada, there is a bill claiming it is unreasonable to ask people to put their lives in danger to vote during a pandemic. Thus, all elections should be...

PRIVATE BLOG – Global Currencies

PRIVATE BLOG – Global Currencies Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

UK Statistics Prove COVID Has been a Scam

Here is the annual list of deaths from the UK office of National Statistics. Clearly, shutting down the economy and all of this hype – build back better...

The 2020 Election Fraud Continues

Everyone should be concerned about election fraud. In Georgia, 950 military ballots went 100% for Biden and came back in sequential order which is simply...

Epstein’s Death – A Huge Fraud

  I am the ONLY person who can speak with any authoritative knowledge of 10 South – the “HOLE” where Jeffrey Epstein supposedly killed...

PRIVATE BLOG – Real Estate Booming in Texas and Germany

PRIVATE BLOG – Real Estate Booming in Texas and Germany Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Was Fauci the next move in this Chess Game of the Great Reset

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for everything that you do. We know that had Gates and Schwab wanted to keep the narrative of this virus being of natural origin,...