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Market Talk – May 24, 2021

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 46.78 points or 0.17% to 28,364.61 Shanghai increased 10.73 points or 0.31%...

Russia TV on Gates

I just did a TV show in Russia where the topic was Bill Gates. They wanted to interview me because I have explained about Epstein and this was not about simply...

Pandemic Phase Two

  Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are most likely preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic. The second punch is his...

Schwab Forced to Cancel WEF in Singapore for August

Schwab was forced to cancel his Singapore annual meeting in August. He has wiped out the European economy and he thought he could shift to Asia. That too is not...

They Microchip Pets – Don’t They?

QUESTION: I saw the video with the magnets. This is strange but how are they putting a chip in people and for what purpose? Tracking? ND ANSWER: I would suspect, at...

Gates Does not Wear Masks Even in NYC

    Gates has been spotted in New York City. The most interesting point is he is walking around without a mask. After all, it was Bill Gates who has said...


QUESTION: Marty, do you believe in UFOs? HS   ANSWER: Yes, but I am not sure they are exclusively from other planets. It is hard to explain why they have not...

Tucker on Why the Pushing on Vaccines?

  Tucker points out that the government’s own data reveals that the death rate with these COVID vaccines is 10x that of normal vaccines. The real...

VIDEO – Are Vaccines Safe

A video by “After Skool Animation Studio’s” Website...