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Market Talk – May 21, 2021

ASIA: Trade between China and the US continued an upward trend in the past four months, official data showed, highlighting inseparable economic relations between...

Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Clash in NYC

New York City may be the melting pot, but that also has its downside. Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters have clashed near Times Square. The tensions in New...

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often...

Gates & Epstein

The egotistical Bill Gates apparently wanted the Nobel Peace Prize like Al Gore for his climate change efforts, or perhaps for his zero CO2 and reducing the...

Google MUM Search Engine – Is it Dangerous?

QUESTION: What is your opinion of this new Google MUM AI search engine? HU ANSWER: It is for complex searches, and it is using a neural net. What you must...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed Can’t Stop the Inflation

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fed Can’t Stop the Inflation Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Market Talk – May 20, 2021

ASIA: Indian refiners and at least one European refiner is re-evaluating their crude purchases to make room for Iranian oil in the second half of this year,...

Using the Criminal Law to Target Trump & his Family

AG Letitia James revealed her investigation into the Trump Organization has gone from a civil probe to a criminal investigation. This is the way the law is used to...

Resistance is Not Futile only 37.5% of Americans are Vaccinated

  This is a protest in London against the BBC and fake news. I am warning journalists that they better get on the right side. History warns when this all turns...