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Market Talk – May 4, 2021

ASIA: China urged the Philippines on Tuesday to observe “basic etiquette,” and eschew megaphone diplomacy after the southeast Asian nation’s...

The Decline & Fall of the USA & Rise of China

The obsession with climate change and the manipulated models they have put forth that only look at data post-1850 is interestingly fulfilling our model that China...

WHO is Corrupt Beyond Question

  A lot of people are becoming whistleblowers. It is really astounding why people defend these measures, yet at the same time, they chastize capitalism as...

CBS 60 Minutes also Engaging in Fake News to Steer the Country LEFT

  All of the mainstream media is now conspiring against We the People. Can’t these journalists see what they are doing to the...

Melinda Gates to Divorce Bill – Hallelujah

Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at...

Market Talk – May 3, 2021

ASIA: A report published by group of analysts says that the “peak” of China’s economic growth has already passed or will soon do so and momentum will only...

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market into May

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market into May Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The Market & Fundamentals

The fundamental shift within the economy due to COVID has been unfolding and is illustrated by just looking at the earnings of AMAZON which finished 2020 with...

No Life Insurance if Vaccinated for COVID?

  There is talk in Europe that some companies will not even write life insurance if you have been vaccinated for up to one year. In the United States, this...