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Market Talk – April 20, 2021

ASIA: China on Tuesday kept the one-year loan prime rate (LPR) unchanged at 3.85% and five-year LPR at 4.65%. That was in line with predictions from a majority of...

Madoff is Dead – The Great NY Cover-UP

Bernie Madoff died on April 14, 2021, at the Federal Medical Center in the federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, of the US Bureau of Prisons. A cause of death...


QUESTION: Do Americans have to be concerned about having money in foreign exchanges in places like London or other European countries if they impose capital...

How Did “COVID Denier President” John Magufuli Die?

Tanzanian President John Magufuli went missing at the end of February 2021. For 18 days, the president’s whereabouts were unknown until he was pronounced dead...

Vaccine Passports Will Become Permanent

  I will never take a cruise and will avoid any airline that mandates COVID...

Books for Reference

QUESTION: Marty; I finally understand your position that inflation is not tied to the quantity of money but to the expectations of what people think will happen in...

Market Talk – April 19, 2021

ASIA: Cai Fang, a member of China’s central bank’s monetary policy committee, said China’s population is set to peak in just four years and a significant...

The Ultimate Protection Better than Masks or Shields

  The leftist governments are ecstatic. This is the ultimate protection against COVID and revolution, for it prevents freedom of assembly and speech to mass...

The DOJ has Always Been a Political Tool

QUESTION: You said that Barr would not defend Trump. Are you implying that the DOJ is just a tool of the President? GH ANSWER: Absolutely. Barr would not appoint...

Woke Culture Going Insane

Ok, the Associated Press Stylebook has joined the woke crowd. They now have said that a “mistress” to a married man can no longer be called a...