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Was CNN Pushing Cuomo to Make him President?

  CNN and the leftist media were clearly promoting Governor Cuomo as being more presidential than Trump. While the left was mercilessly bashing Trump over...

Biden Grants Right to Vote for Criminals in Prison & on Probation

Biden has granted the right to vote to criminals in prison or on probation. First of all, I believe it was unconstitutional to deny people the right to vote on the...

Market Talk – March 9, 2021

ASIA: Microsoft has blamed a huge attack on its Exchange email service on a group linked to China, which has affected hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide....

Lockdown Every 2 Years for Climate Change

I have received over the past year some people complaining saying what does climate have to do with economics? I cannot always reveal my sources or I will not have...

Ebay Joins Cancel Culture

I find this truly just amazing. Dr. Seuss is obviously far more dangerous than Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” or any of the works of Karl Marx who was...

Massive Protest in Quebec Against Lockdowns over Weekend

  Resistance is NOT futile! They have a very short window for their...

Market Talk – March 8, 2021

ASIA: China will invest more in coal to power its economy over the next five years, according to a government plan released Friday (Mar 5) that only modestly...

This is Why Biden Does not Address the World

  The vast majority of people who voted for Biden did so because they hated Trump. Well, it looks like they got what they deserved. The problem is, the rest of...

Is Europe Finished?

  COMMENT: Well Marty, I guess you ever holding another WEC here in London will never happen. I feel like I am in prison. GH REPLY: Europe is totally in the...