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PRIVATE BLOG – War & the Middle East

PRIVATE BLOG – War & the Middle East Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The Middle East – The Coming War of Wars

QUESTION: Many people who are Jewish and Christian would love to destroy the Dome of the Rock. We hear Christian zealots pushing this event to bring about the...

The LEFT is Winning

The LEFT is ALWAYS much more violent than the RIGHT. The simple difference is that the core philosophy of the RIGHT is you leave me alone, and I will leave you...

Iran Tests the Defenses – US Shoots Down the Drones

As expected, this was a test with slow-moving drones that gave hours to respond, but now Iran knows the US shot the drones down – not Israel. U.S. defense...

PRIVATE BLOG – It’s Not Over Yet – Iran v Israel & Crude Oil

PRIVATE BLOG – It’s Not Over Yet – Iran v Israel & Crude Oil Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Iran Launches Test Attack with Slow Drones

Iran has launched a drone attack on Israel that appears to be testing Israel’s defenses. The IDF has stated that it would take hours for the drones to even...

How to Defend Your Home Without a Gun

Part I: Part II – More effective techniques:...

Not Even Central Banks Can Manipulate Markets – NOBODY

QUESTION: Can central banks not even manipulate the markets? FS ANSWER: Correct.  Here is the track record of the central banks when they created the Group of 5...