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Sweden Attacking the Cancel Culture?

We seriously need laws to protect people from being canceled, harassed, threatened, or fired because they stand for freedom of speech and are opposed to COVID....

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Market Talk – March 5, 2021

ASIA: China is aiming for an economic growth rate above 6% in 2021. After scrapping its target last year, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced the target on Friday...

Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism

Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism. Children in East Germany were told that that state was their real parent, and if their biological parents spoke against the...

Build Back Better means You Destroy it First

COMMENT: Greetings Marty,   As expected, “Build Back Better” was more than a campaign slogan. Today, the White House released President...

The End of Paper Money – the Digital Revolution

The assumption in governments has always been that WE ARE THE PROBLEM – not them! They have really believed that if they could tax the underground economy...

Why the Left & Right Have Lost All Sense of the Middle

I am so glad I left New Jersey. I have never been far-right, for I see the way the courts have moved and they have ended the substance of the Constitution. But the...