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The Stock Market & March

PRIVATE BLOG – The Stock Market & March Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Market Talk – March 4, 2021

ASIA: The latest edition of the Heritage Foundation’s annual “Index of Economic Freedom,” which ranks countries of world’s freest economies,...

Eastern Europe New Political Block

  The Central European countries are forming a block uniting AGAINST the rise of Marxist/Communism emerging from Brussels. I have been in contact with reliable...

Texas Ends Mask Requirements & Opens Up Restaurants

  There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone...

Bill Gates Terrorizing Children?

  This video of the Los Angeles School District being fully on board with total control of children is so dangerous, that it is conditioning the next...

Market Talk – March 3, 2021

ASIA: The Chinese government is set to kick off an annual parliamentary meeting this week for approving national priorities for 2021. The “Two Sessions”...

CNN’s & the Cuomos’ Conflicts of Interest

  CNN allowed Chris Cuomo to interview his brother all the time before the scandal showed he was breaking the well-established conflict of interest rule in...

Dr. Seuss Now Banned & Biden Removes The Books from Recommendation to Read

  The company that publishes Dr. Seuss’ children’s books said it will stop selling six of his titles because they contain racist and insensitive images...

Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I thought you were wrong on Bitcoin and that it was a store of value. I can see now that it is only a trading vehicle as you have said. But...