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The LEFT Always Seeks to Suppress All Freedom & they Have Now Canceled Justice Thomas for his Vote

The oppression by the left is always detrimental to freedom, for they do not believe in any freedom whatsoever — freedom must always conform to their vision...

The COVID Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden Forever

The medical profession has really bought into COVID because of the simple fact that they got paid bonuses if the person had COVID. They were claiming that COVID was...

Klaus Schwab Advocates Perpetual Lockdowns?

  Klaus Schwab thinks imprisoning people is a good thing. We really have to purge EVERYONE from a political office that pays any homage whatsoever to Schwab...

Market Talk – March 1, 2021

ASIA: China’s manufacturing sector grew at a markedly slower pace in February than the month before, surveys released over the weekend suggested, even as similar...

Trudeau is Altering the Economy of Canada Denying the People Any Right to Vote on His Great Reset

Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? COMMENT: Dear Martin, In response to your blog of today: “Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed...

Ideas Repeat throughout History

COMMENT: Good morning, I am glad to see that you publicly touched on the idea of expiring credits, that in fact are in play. It is an old idea that has been talked...

Climate Change & the Dollar

COMMENT: Marty, at first I was not sure why you were focusing on the climate change issue. I now understand that climate is the main driving force behind this Great...

Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada

    It is very interesting how Trudeau has called anyone who uses the term “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theorist, and he intends to just...

Czechoslovakia Returning to Communism?

From Monday almost 30,000 police and 5,000 soldiers will be policing Czech Republic “covid” lockdown which is total home imprisonment and respirator...

Biden Gets the Immigration Crisis he so Richly Deserves

The Democrats blamed Trump for everything possible with immigration. Now the rumor is that anyone in the USA under Biden will simply be granted citizenship. What is...