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No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks

What is really amazing is how far we as societies are allowing politicians who have no qualifications in medicine to roll out draconian decrees. These measures are...

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members...

Brazil Minister tells WEF – “I’m not a great fan of … Great Reset”

Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo stresses the importance of freedom which is absent from the BigTech monopoly that has been forming. He added...

Governments are Creating Horror Scenarios for Lockdowns to Retain Power

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher: “The federal government has introduced a dictatorship. He switched off democracy » The entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, a...

Election Allegations

  The Election Analysis...

Putin’s Warnings at the World Economic Forum

Putin’s speech at the World Economic Forum was quite insightful. He said that we “are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic...

PRIVATE BLOG – Is the US Share Market Really Overvalued?

PRIVATE BLOG – Is the US Share Market Really Overvalued? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Senate Acquits Trump as Expected

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump a second time Saturday after a historic impeachment trial which was totally unconstitutional since Trump was no...

To Our Readers in China – Happy New Year

The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party....

Call to Criminally Prosecute Cuomo for Hiding Death Counts in Nursing Homes

  Cuomo’s staff has admitted that they deliberately understated the deaths in nursing homes to protect Governor Cuomo who ordered that COVID patients...