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Global Financial Markets – The Crack we have been Waiting For!

The political implications are rather serious with the Democrats in control of everything. Aside from the New Green Deal which they will come to realize will...

Military v Police

QUESTION: Why do you think he will not call in the military? DF ANSWER: Trump would not want to leave history in this context. However, if there can be concrete...

Conspiracy Theories v Pelosi Laptop

You have people claiming Trump will call in the military at the last minute. That is just not plausible. The other story is that covert-ops have Pelosi’s...

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware the Ides of August

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware the Ides of August Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Confidence in Government in a 34 years Crash & Burn

COMMENT: The difference between Socrates and the fake pandemic or socialism or fake global warming is that people are allowed to take or leave the information...

Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone

    Google has just banned Parlar App and Apple has declared it will do the same giving them 24 hours. Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump shows that...

Market Talk – January 8, 2021

ASIA: Against the backdrop of possible US sanctions on the $5.4 billion deal with Russia for S-400 air defense systems, India on Friday said it has an independent...

The Markets & Economy Going Forward

It is beyond description that we face such crazy times politically around the world. The people are distracted between the left and the right but what is being...

Italian Connection Video Partly Recorded

  This is part of the video we recorded and midstream, YouTube removed it because anything that gives any counter-view is removed. This is the type of...