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The 2020 Elections & Beyond

Here is the 2020 Election Forecast and Beyond. This is a special report that provides the Forecasting Arrays out for 12 years so this is not just the 2020 election...

Market Talk – October 9, 2020

ASIA: The recovery in China’s service sector activity extended into a fifth straight month in September, an industry survey showed on Friday, with hiring...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into October

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow into October Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

PRIVATE BLOG – Boris Johnson Selling Out Britain

PRIVATE BLOG – Boris Johnson Selling Out Britain Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The Good News!

Fear not! Stay in bed, wear a mask, order only takeout that is delivered, don’t bother working so you won’t need to pay taxes, sell your car to save the...

Are We Running Out of Other People’s Money?

QUESTION:  I thought big police forces are malinvestment just like big government. doesn’t returning to hard money reduce malinvestments? BF ANSWER: These...

Using Every Trick in the Book

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I know you have said several times that the maniacs pushing this Great Reset are going to lose, but are your models showing any idea on WHEN...

Boris Johnson Repeals English Bill of Rights from 1689

COMMENT: Hi Marty You saw this coming before anyone, Socrates was going nuts and predicting chaos but you weren’t exactly sure why. We all know now. The...

Market Talk – October 8, 2020

ASIA: China represents a strategic threat to Britain as its Navy could reach the North Atlantic via the Arctic by a route opened up by global heating, the head of...

Hotel in Germany Raided for Not Requiring Masks

In picturesque Bamberg, Bavaria Germany, a lovely place to visit which is about 3hrs from Tübingen, another fantastic place to visit in Bavaria. A hotel in Bamberg...