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The Real Masters Behind the Scenes

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read your blog with great fascination recently as the great Covid hoax continues. You talk about the global agenda for one world government...

Market Talk – August 19, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he postponed trade talks with China, adding that he does not want to talk to China right now. Representatives from...

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Jones Industrials

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Jones Industrials Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Migration Patterns & the Risks Behind the US Election

  QUESTION: Being there is lots of trouble coming after the election, does Socrates see a mass exit of people to other countries ie Canada? CM ANSWER: No, the...

Podesta & Military Coup?

  I seriously doubt that the majority of people even think this election is anything but normal. Many hate Trump simply because of his Tweets. Others cannot...

Defunding the Police Movement

QUESTION: Marty; How can people actually support defunding the police? I don’t understand how any rational person can support that even when there have been...

New Zealand & Australia Have Rejected All Principles of a Free Society

  It is one thing to have free markets where we can trade even for a living. But what is unfolding around us is a whirlwind of complete authoritarian insanity....

Market Talk – August 18, 2020

ASIA: The Trump administration on Monday announced it would further tighten restrictions on Huawei Technologies Co, aimed at cracking down on its access to...

Using Offshore & Private Contractors To Commit Illegal Acts

QUESTION: Marty; Do you have an opinion of Millie Weaver’s Shadow Gate? Infowars has an exaggerated position in many areas. Would you care to comment on this...