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Coronavirus still appears to be Normal Virus

COMMENT: Thank you for not being the crazy doomsday guy who latches onto every story and then blows it out of proportion. The death rate is as you say, less than...

Seeing Cycles Everywhere Around Us

  For years, it has been a sort of family joke that I view the world around me and see the cycles in everything. I had walked into a casino and noticed there...

Religious & Climate Change (Part I)

QUESTION: Good morning Mr. Armstrong! Thanks for always opening our eyes! Could you please explain to me what natural phenomenon of cataclysmic proportions could...

Northwoods & Cycle of War

This particular Cycle of War is the combination of two models: 1) international war, and 2) domestic civil unrest. This is the first time these two models have...

Manipulating the World Economy 1st Edition is going for $2,000+?

COMMENT: Your book is on eBay selling for $300 and a first edition is up for auction starting at $2,000. It will be interesting to see what it brings. WJ REPLY: The...

Coronavirus still appears to be Normal Virus – Not a Biological Weapon

The latest number of the number of people infected is at least 1,975 people of which this Coronavirus has killed 56 people, according to that nation’s...

Coronavirus & China’s Bio-Weapons Lab Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy theory that is running around very fast which portrays this Coronavirus which began in Wuhan may be linked to two laboratories of the Chinese...

The Disease Cycle Turned Up – Next Peak 2022

1918-1920 Influenza Pandemic QUESTION: Hi Marty, You had mentioned that it is possible that the Ebola virus becomes an issue in 2019, your model was certainly...

The Hidden Order behind the Mask of Chaos

COMMENT: Marty, The last few days I’ve been remotely attending the 2019 WEC Orlando. Lo and behold, now? three months hence and six days into the new wave?I...

The Future & Analysis

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I just saw your interview on BNN, too bad you only had about 7 minutes to explain something that big, guess that’s the...