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PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Markets for the Close 1/24/2020

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Markets for the Close 1/24/2020 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Market Talk – January 24, 2020

  ASIA: China is experiencing an outbreak of the coronavirus that has affected 900 people and taken the lives of 26. The Chinese Government has put 13 cities...

Australia – The Most Aggressive Tax Authority in the World?

Australia has been perhaps the most aggressive tax authority in the world. They are certainly competing to be #1. Besides stalking children to see where they go to...

Edmonton & the 7th Century

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong…HOW DARE YOU!!!!!???? My brother lives in Edmonton, AB where the surface air temperature is a refreshing -23F as of 6:30 pm MST this...

Will Governments Respond Globally or Just Act Independently?

QUESTION: Is there any comparison to be made between the current suppression of interest rates by the Fed and its suppression of interest rates in the 1920s? With...

97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions: QUESTION #1 Do you agree that global...

Market Talk – January 23, 2020

ASIA: India is planning to send a “female” humanoid robot called Vyommitra into space as part of an unmanned mission that could launch this year. Indian...

Search for Religion in the 1860s

COMMENT: Concerning the post today of the “Decline and Fall of Religion?” I nearly fell out of my seat when you mentioned 1860 as a cyclic date. You mentioned...

Rogoff’s Global Carbon Tax – Give the Money to China

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff who advocates a global carbon tax and then takes that money and hand it to China...

When You Thought You Hit A Dog

QUESTION: You are wrong as usual. We just had the hottest decade. This is all about fossil fuels. There was never a CO2 problem until fossil fuels. KJ ANSWER: This...