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Energy & the Stock Market

  QUESTION: Marty; Your energy model seems to be warning that the bounce is not going to last. I have followed the reversals and they have been great for the...

Civil War inside Mainstream Newspapers

There is a civil war inside the New York Times as is the case in just about every major newspaper. This war is emerging between the young journalists and the 40+...

Biden Takes the First Ballot

Biden won the nomination with the write in ballots. On the surface, this would negate Hillary coming in for the rescue. Nevertheless, there are those who still hold...

The Bias of an Impartial Jury

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right...

German Companies Plan to Reduce Investments

According to a recent survey conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), German companies plan to reduce investments by 50% this year due to the...

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market Reaction High

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market Reaction High Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The World Police

The US has long had the distinction of being the “world police” who would protect citizens of other nations against human rights abuses. Now, countries like...

Is COVID-19 Over?

It’s incredible how quickly the media can spin the narrative. Two weeks ago, the media labeled anyone who dared to step foot outside as a psychopathic...