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PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Pension Crisis – Congress is Unable to Act Because of Gridlock

Trump has called the Democrats the do-nothings. All they have been focused on is impeaching Trump for the polls they are looking at behind the curtain all show...

Market Talk – January 10, 2020

ASIA: Apple saw a huge boost in iPhone sales in China last month, but embattled tech giant Huawei won’t giving up the top spot anytime soon. Sales for the...

Democrats Now After Trump via War Powers

The Democrats are now claiming that because Soleimani was also a “political” figure, that somehow makes it an act of war that only Congress can...

Abrupt Swings in Weather from Cold to Heat

QUESTION: Does your computer show that the major trend is down toward cooling and in the process were are getting these wild swings from new record colds to one-day...

FOREX & the Wild West Days of the ’80s

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was told that you were indeed the largest forecaster in foreign exchange. The story in London is you advised nearly all the Middle East...

Market Talk – January 9, 2020

ASIA: The United States and China continued trade talks in Beijing for an unscheduled third day, US officials said. There are signs of progress on issues including...

Can Central Banks Ever Control Long-Term Rates?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that central banks can only control short-term rates not long-term. Do you see a scenario where they could control the long-term rates?...