There we go again… Toronto banned (Catholic and Orthodox) churches from giving Holy Communion. Not long ago, all churches were forced to close for more than...
COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for spending your precious time to compose such a detailed blog post. The gems within your answer truly clarify this seemingly...
COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger....
ASIA: China’s economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a deep slump at the start of the year, but unexpected weakness in domestic consumption...
In Australia, anyone traveling from Victoria, or people who have visited the state in the past 14 days, are barred from entering Queensland unless they are...
QUESTION: Hi there, I’ve got a question for Marty. I currently live in Alberta, Canada and I am seeing everything happen that you talk about even in this...
Anyone who ever took a class in psychology will recognize that what the media and government are doing is clear psychological terrorism, which appears to be...
I have explained that Socrates shows that this coronavirus is nonsense. The risk of a more serious disease comes in 2022. There are three new diseases forming in...
COMMENT: Melbourne is getting locked down again. 5 million people on lockdown for 6 weeks at least! People will only be allowed to leave home to go to work (if...