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Supreme Court Upheld no Liability for Death by Vaccine

The Supreme Cout held in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, 562 U.S. 223 (2011), that the section of the Vaccine Act of 1986 preempts all vaccine design defect claims against...

How Can Socrates Forecast Things Well in Advance?

QUESTION: Martin – In the video link you see the blank answer by former Fed Chairman Bernanke when asked, in a 60 Minutes interview, as to where he saw...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & Its Role & the Dow

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & Its Role & the Dow Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Better to Know than to be Surprised

COMMENT: Hello, Some may view you blog as stirring the masses but for me it is a calming force. Not that I like what is happening but at least I know who, what and...

Does the French Revolution Provide the Script for This Virus Coup

COMMENT: Marty, Like you, I’m also a student of history. One clear parallel I’m now beginning to see if the close link between the Democratic...

Motion Made to Arrest Bill Gates in Italian Parliament

  On the floor of the Italian Parliament, Gates was accused of intentionally looking to reduce the world population by 10-15%. He was said to be advocating...

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Looking Ahead

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Looking Ahead Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Huge Protests in Germany Against Government’s Lockdowns

The German Press is starting to wake up at last after a period of just saying Yes mam! They have run the story that if we acted rationally, we could quickly...