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Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers...

Schwab’s Insane Stakeholder Economics is Marxism in Sheep’s Clothing

QUESTION: It would please me if you would comment on the subject of “Stakeholder Capitalism” vis-a-vis this article from Forbes. PR ANSWER: I have...

Statues & Rewriting History & Ignorance

  I find that the tearing down of statues has gone way too far. Tearing down Columbus because he discovered America, and that harmed the indigenous people, is...


PRIVATE BLOG – NASDAQ Near-Term Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Market Talk – July 7, 2020

ASIA: China’s largest semiconductor maker could raise as much as $7.5 billion this year by listing its stock in Shanghai — a move that could deliver the...

The Great Reset

The Great Reset may go down as the most important book, perhaps with hindsight. I will be adding to it over the next month with a section reviewing the demise of...

More than 20% of Businesses in Germany Fear Their Future Survival

The economic damage due to this fake coronavirus pandemic that has been touted as if it were the black plague is massive. In Germany, 21% of existing companies fear...

Did Roosevelt Adopt the Soviet Model in 1934?

QUESTION: Marty, a friend attended one of your conferences back in 1987 and you compared the Soviet and Roosevelt monetary systems. I searched your site to see if I...

Michigan Bans Companies from Implanting Chips into Workers

The state of Michigan has introduced a bill designed to prevent employers from forcing their staff to accept microchip implants. The bill is to protect workers...

PRIVATE BLOG – Cycle Inversion & the Elections 

PRIVATE BLOG – Cycle Inversion & the Elections  Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...