Apple has been fighting off governments who are trying to eliminate all privacy by demanding the company provide back doors to allegedly combat terrorism. Now...
The press will not report what this lockdown has done worldwide. Third world countries are primarily service-oriented. These people have no savings and no...
ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 291.49 points or 1.52% to 19,429.44 Shanghai decreased 5.48 points or -0.19% to...
This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your letter has circulated here in the _________________ Parliament. I must say, it is brilliant. The problem is most people see just...
The censorship being imposed by Youtube, Facebook, and others trying to crush any resistance to being locked-down is astonishing. This documentary has been...
PRIVATE BLOG – Profound Changes to the Economy Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
ASIA: Facebook will buy a 10% stake in the digital business of Reliance Industries for 5.7 billion USD, as the social media firm looks to leverage its highly...
I have reliable research I have not yet concluded but so far this COVID-19 could have been a human experiment. It appears to be like HIV insofar as it attacks the T...
Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD during the reign of Justin II (565-578AD). He was born 34 years after 536 AD when a mysterious cloud appeared over the...