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The Star Witness Against Trump?

Here we have direct linkage admitted by Biden that $1 billion would be withheld unless he fired the prosecutor investigating the company who hired his son to gain...

Market Talk – November 29, 2019

ASIA: The US signed the Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which requires the US to continue to monitor Chinese actions regarding Hong Kong citizen’s...

Davos the Film Entitled “The Forum”

Marcus Vetter’s film “The Forum” is a look behind the scenes of Davos. This is an interesting film and his follow-up to “The...

Repo Crisis – Best Kept Secret Ever!

COMMENT: Marty; I want to thank you for a great conference. It is clear you are the only true institutional adviser. Our board is very impressed. The FT reported...

London Court Rules 1MBD Hearing Will Be Public

Malaysia won a MAJOR victory in a London court that will allow public hearings in the notorious 1MDB case where Goldman Sachs facilitated what is alleged to be the...

UK Snow Hits 7-Year Temperature Low

COMMENT: I told a friend to read your blog for a global viewpoint. He said you were wrong that all of Britain was not under snow. I told him he was an idiot. Never...

France & the Uprising

QUESTION: Would you say that the majority of French are becoming anti-Islam? GSD ANSWER: No, of course not. The blackout of such protests does make it hard to gauge...

Happy Thanksgiving


Market Talk – November 27, 2019

ASIA: Chinese economic news today showed that industrial profits have had the biggest fall since 2011 in October. The trade war is the obvious culprit here with the...

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the...