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Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist Says We Need To Reduce Population

Amazingly, among the list of 11,000 climate experts includes Mickey Mouse from the Mickey Mouse Institute For the Blind. No one in the press bothered to verify such...

Will Hillary & Bloomberg Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? HJ ANSWER: All my sources say YES!! She will wait for January. The rest of the pack is slowly expiring. Joe Biden...

The Risk of War between Pakistan & India

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your model which forecasts the start of rising tensions between Pakistan and India for 2019 has been absolutely correct. What do you see...

Market Talk – November 7, 2019

ASIA: China announced that the US has agreed to incrementally lift tariffs once a trade deal is reached. “If China, US reach a phase-one deal, both sides should...

Germany Vows to Close its Coal Plants in 19 years

Germany is one of the world’s biggest consumers of coal. After the Japanese nuclear power plant disaster, Germany announced it would not use nuclear power back in...

China Moving to Create a Digital Currency

China’s National People’s Congress has passed a new law to create a digital yuan. Back on December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) took...

Trying to Overthrow the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, you said at the conference the efforts to overthrow the dollar as the reserve currency have failed and it will take the Monetary Crisis Cycle to...

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market – Breakout or Something Else?

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market – Breakout or Something Else? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates...

Market Talk – November 6, 2019

ASIA: China plans to purchase up to 10 percent of the Saudi Aramco IPO. The IPO came under some pressure after the recent attacks on Saudi’s largest oil...

Impeaching Trump to Shut Down the Government

The object of impeachment against Trump is to ensure that nothing gets done between now and 2021. How do you measure the true cost of impeaching the president? It...